terms were operationally defined to place the researcher and the readers in the
same frame of reference.
Action Plan
action plan proposed in this study is a
class-based plan anchored on a certain aspect of teaching which needs
improvement. The teacher and the students identify class problems pertaining to
teaching, learning, students’ behavior, and attitudes as well as teachers’
problems. An action plan could be undertaken in one or two months with the
leadership of the teacher. It involves planning, doing, and reflecting on class
activities that could solve an identified problem.
Grade School
refers to an elementary school covering grades one to six. School graders are the elementary school
Professional Preparation
refers to the highest educational attainment of teachers, relevant inservice
training or special training, and length of relevant teaching experience
adequate enough to enable them to teach elementary school students. These
factors will help develop the preparedness of the teacher to teach.
Professional Practices
practices cover instructional competencies which include indicators such as
instructional planning and delivery, classroom management, teacher-learner
interaction, subject content, evaluation, and professional responsibilities and
relationships. Instructional planning
simply refers to planning the lesson conformably with specific objectives. Instructional delivery refers to
methods of teaching. Classroom management refers to organizing the teaching-learning
time using relevant teaching equipment and materials, and appropriate teaching
processes within the time period Teacher-learner
interaction is engaging students in
instruction using communication, motivation, reinforcement, retention, and
transfer skills and principles. Subject
content refers to the subject matter and effective communication of the
major concepts of the lesson. Evaluation
is assessing student performance and using the evaluation results in planning
the lessons. Professional
responsibilities are teachers’ concerns pertaining to professional growth,
adaptability with assigned duties, working cooperatively with those involved in
the school program. Professional relationship pertains to effective working
relationship with fellow-teachers and personnel, students, parents, and those
linked to school operations.
Teaching Effectiveness
refers to the impact of teaching competencies on the students in terms of
intellectual, social, physical, emotional, and moral development. Effectiveness
is based on the four domains of teaching which are planning and preparation,
classroom environment, instruction, professional responsibilities, and the
fifth on the use of student assessment. Planning
and preparation deals with skills in designing instruction, that is
organizing the content to be learned. Classroom
environment deals with skills that relate to the creation of a comfortable
and respectful classroom environment that
cultivates a culture for learning in which students feel safe taking
risks. Instruction contains the
skills that are at the heart of teaching, the actual engagement of students
with the content. Professional
responsibilities encompass the roles teachers assume outside of the
classroom. Teachers committed to student learning use assessment strategies extensively which provide evidence of
success or lack thereof, for both students and teachers.
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