Variations of Vessel Wall Structure
All arterial vessels originate with either the pulmonary trunk (from the
right ventricle) or the aorta (from the left ventricle). Specialisations of the
walls of arteries relate mainly to two factors: the pressure pulses generated
during contractions of the heart (
systole) and
the regulation of blood supply to the target tissues of the arteries.
The tunica media is the main site of histological
specialisations in the walls of arteries.
Vessels close to the heart (aorta, pulmonary trunk and the larger arteries
that originate from them) are
Elastic arteries
The tunica intima
of elastic arteries is thicker than in other arteries. A layer of loose
connective tissue beneath the endothelium (subendothelial connective tissue)
allows the tunica intima to move independently from other layers as the elastic
arteries distend with the increase in systolic blood pressure. Distension of
the walls is facilitated by concentric fenestrated
lamellae of elastic fibres in a thick tunica media. In adult humans,
about 50 elastic lamellae are found in the tunica media of the aorta. The
energy stored in the elastic fibres of the tunica media allows elastic arteries
to function as a "pressure reservoir" which forwards blood during
ventricular relaxation (diastole). Smooth muscle
cells and collagen fibres are present between the layers of elastic fibres.
Both fibre types are produced by the smooth muscle cells. Each elastic lamella
forms together with interlamellar fibres and cells a
lamellar unit. The external elastic lamina is difficult to discern from
other layers of elastic fibres in the tunica media. The tunica
adventitia appears thinner than the tunica media and contains collagen
fibres and the cell types typically present in connective tissue.
The walls of these large
arteries are so thick that their peripheral parts cannot derive enough oxygen
and nutrients from the blood of the vessel that they form. Larger vessels are
therefore accompanied by smaller blood vessels which supply the tunica
adventitia and, in the largest vessels, the outer part of the tunica media of
the vessel wall. The vessels are called vasa vasorum.
In macroscopic preparations vasa vasorum are visible as fine dark lines on the
surface of the larger arteries.
Suitable Slides
sections of
the aorta - H&E, elastin
Aorta, human - H&E , elastin & van Gieson
The thin
endothelial lining of the aorta corresponds to that of other vessels. The flattened cells are easily damaged during preparation and
it may be difficult to identify the endothelium. The subendothelial
layer of connective tissue is characterised by a lower density of cells, i.e.
fewer nuclei, a fibrous appearance of the tissue and the absence of
well-defined elastic layers. Because the lamellae of elastic fibers diffract
light differently from the remaining tissues they should also be visible in
H&E stained sections. Elastic lamellae become visible in the tunica media.
The majority of cells in the tunica media are smooth muscle cells. Smooth
muscle cells and collagen fibres are found between the layers of elastic
fibres. If you scan the periphery of the aorta you may
find small blood vessels, the vasa vasorum, in the tunica adventitia and
penetrating into the outer part of the tunica media.
The diameter of individual arteries decreases as we follow them further into
the periphery. However, their total diameter increases, which leads to a fall
in blood pressure. Also, the properties of the elastic arteries have to some
extent evened out differences in diastolic and systolic blood pressure. The
amount of elastic fibres in the tunica media decreases with these physiological
changes. We now find a type of arteries which are termed
Muscular arteries
The tunica intima
is thinner than in elastic arteries. Subendothelial connective tissue other
than the internal elastic lamina is often difficult to discern. The internal
elastic lamina forms a well defined layer. The tunica
media is dominated by numerous concentric layers of smooth muscle cells.
Fine elastic fibres and and a few collagen fibres are also present. The
external elastic lamina can be clearly distinguished although it may be
incomplete in places. The thickness and appearance of the tunica adventitia is variable.
The basic structure of the walls of arteries does not change much as we come
to the next type of arterial vessels. Size is used to differentiate them from
muscular arteries.
are arterial vessels with a diameter below 0.1 -
0.5 mm (different values in different textbooks).
Endothelial cells are smaller than in larger arteries, and the nucleus and
surrounding cytoplasm may 'bulge' slightly into the lumen of the arteriole. The
endothelium still rests on a internal elastic lamina, which may be incomplete
and which is not always well-defined in histological sections. The tunica media consists of 1-3 concentric layers of
smooth muscle cells. It is difficult to identify an external elastic lamina or
to distinguish the tunica adventitia from the connective tissue surrounding the
The smooth muscle of arterioles and, to some extent, the smooth muscle of small
muscular arteries regulate the blood flow to their target tissues. Arterioles
receive both sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation. The final branching
of the arterioles finally gives rise to the capillary network
sections of
arteries - H&E or elastin (in combination with other
Sections of small muscular arteries and arterioles are
present in many sections, and the basic features of their structure are usually
visible - even in smaller arteries. Large muscular arteries often have their
"own section" in teaching collections.
Artery - H&E and
elastin & eosin
Identifying muscular arteries in sections is rather straight forward. There
are two easily recognizable features which distinguish these arteries from
veins. If two vessels have a similarly sized lumen, the walls of arteries
will be much thicker and more compact than the wall of veins. At high
magnification, the internal elastic lamina forms a pink streak immediately
below the endothelial cell lining in arteries and even arterioles, while it
is difficult to identify in veins.
The layer of subendothelial connective tissue is very thin, and the
endothelium seems to rest on the internal elastic lamina. Smooth muscle cell
nuclei are frequent in the tunica media. The external elastic lamina stains
similar to the internal elastic lamina, but it is thicker and appears fibrous
instead of forming a continuous band. Collagen fibres and a few connective
tissue cell nuclei are visible in the tunica adventitia.
If you close the iris diaphragm of the microscope, the
elastic layers will stand out very clearly, but remember
to open the diaphragm once you have seen them.
In addition to the inner and
outer elastic laminae, elastin stains will show fine elastic fibres in the
tunica media and coarse elastic fibres between the collagen fibres of the
tunica adventitia. The appearance of other structures will depend on the
stain used together with the elastin stain. Eosin, the
E in H&E, gives a pink colour to both collagen fibres and the
cytoplasm of cells. Nuclei are not stained if the H is
omitted from the H&E.
Draw either one large composite image containing the three
tunics and the cellular and fibrous elements which form the tunics.
Alternatively, you can draw a low power overview and
supplement it with high magnification illustrations of the individual tunics.
Focus on an H&E stained section.
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Variations of Vessel Wall Structure
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Variations of Vessel Wall Structure