Conceptual Framework
input-process-output model was adopted when this study was conceived as shown
in Figure 1. The input variables in three clusters. Professional preparation of
the first set of input variables is made up of the teachers’ highest
educational attainment, their relevant inservice training, and their relevant
teaching experiences. These three indices marked the teachers’ input personal
qualifications, the tri-factor of school, on-the-job training, and appropriate
work background.
factors were correlated with the teachers’ teaching effectiveness in five
categories, namely, planning and preparation, classroom environment,
instruction, professional responsibilities, and the use of student assessment.
Planning and preparation is designing the lesson based on the objectives and
preparing the lesson procedure. Classroom environment is structuring the room
for teaching as well as establishing love and harmony among the students and
teacher. Instruction covers the teaching process carried out in the classroom.
Figure 1
The Conceptual Framework of the Study
responsibilities refer to the teachers’ duties which include keeping students’
records, communicating with the parents, and assuming leadership roles in
school. The use of student assessment refers to the internal and external
assessment data reflecting student achievement which should be fairly handled
and managed by the teacher. Students should be aware of the progress of their
school performances through assessment. Professional preparation was correlated
with teaching effectiveness to specify the relationship between the two sets of
variables to determine areas for improvement.
The last input group of variables
refers to the eight professional practices of
teachers which were likewise correlated with teaching
effectiveness. The teaching practices
encompassed instructional planning which refers to planning the lesson
congruent to its specific objectives; instructional delivery which simply
referred to implementing the planned lesson in accordance with the students’
needs; and classroom management which refers to the control of student behavior
in the classroom and managing learning including discipline. Teacher-learner
interaction is the result of engaging students in instruction using
communication, motivation, reinforcement, retention, transfer, and questioning
skills and principles. Subject content is the lesson proper or subject matter
for the day’s lesson. Evaluation is assessment or appraisal. It consists of
rating student performance, the result of which could be a basis for further
Professional responsibilities refer
to the teachers’ duties concerning professional growth, adaptability on assigned
tasks, and working cooperatively with school staff, students, parents, and
superiors. Professional relationships refer to positive working relations with
co-workers, students, personnel, parents, and the community.
Using research methods and statistical
treatment of data constitute the research process. The research findings,
conclusions, and recommendations formed the bases of an Action Plan for
Elementary Teachers: An Action Plan is
an Action Research. It is a classroom-based study focused on a classroom
problem encountered by the teacher.

Conceptual Framework - Example
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Conceptual Framework - Example